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Self-publishing is a liberating idea but a very intricate process.

It can be a daunting task to take on the responsibility of writing, editing, publishing, and distributing your book. However, it is a great way for authors to get their work out there without going through the traditional publishing route.

Some of the top reasons authors choose to self-publish are:
✅ Control Over the Design & Content
✅ Earn Higher Royalties
✅ Quicker Timeline
✅ No Approval Needed
✅ Control Over the Price
✅ Retain All Rights
✅ Ability to Publish Niche Topics

Self-publishing opens the entrepreneurship doors to authors to be their own bosses and build a book brand without compromising or restrictions.

The best part about self-publishing is that there are no rules—you’re free to create whatever kind of product you want without having any outside influence.
You have the freedom to write and publish your unadulterated message without the approval of the editor or production team. Sounds impressive, right? The truth is that while self-publishing does allow for freedom in writing, many authors still get stuck and need help.

There are seven obstacles self-publishers typically face with self-publishing. Below, I am sharing what they are and how to avoid them:

1. Clarity of Message:

One of the biggest mistakes that self-published authors makes is trying to tell a story instead of focusing on the message they want to convey. Concentrating too much on book branding instead of providing useful information. Your goal should be to make sure you’re communicating clearly with your readers so they can understand and apply what you’re teaching them without having to stop every few sentences and ask themselves “Wait—what does that mean?”

2. Defining the Audience:

The first thing you need to do when writing a book is to define your audience. You have to know who you are writing for and what they want to read. This is important because it will help you decide what kind of content you should include in your book. Defining an audience isn’t just about seeing what people are searching for. It’s also about knowing what they want from you, how they want it delivered, how long they’re willing to read, and what they need from the piece of content you’re creating.

3. Research:

Research is an essential part of self-publishing. When you are researching for your book, you need to be careful about the information that you use. To maintain credibility as an author, you should always make sure that the information is relevant, reliable, and authentic. It is always better to conduct research before writing your book rather than after it has been published.

4. Branding:

Many authors do not consider a branding plan when publishing their own books. While DIY may seem like a good option, you may want to invest in professional book cover design services. Your brand is your name, and it’s more than just your business card or website. It’s the way your readers perceive you, and if they don’t know what to expect from you as an author, they won’t buy your work. A solid branding plan will help you build a strong relationship with readers right from the start, which is essential for success as a self-publisher.

5. Interior Formatting:

When it comes to interior formatting, you want to keep things simple. Determine the size of your book first. Keep it simple with font and size choices. Use industry-standard font sizes. Stand out with chapter pages and headers/footers. Be consistent throughout every page of your book by using page numbers in the same spot on every page.

6. Marketing Books:

It is very rare for a book to sell well without some form of structured marketing. Prior to 1997, print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, and outdoor advertising were like billboards. Social media created unique access to the market for self-published authors like never before. Social media has changed the game for all authors and publishers. It enables authors to reach millions of people at little or no cost. Though it is not a magic wand that will make your book popular overnight, it does provide authors a direct pipeline to potential readers and can be used effectively to build word-of-mouth buzz about your book.

7. Generating Sales:

Sales are the name of the game when it comes to self-publishing. If you don’t have sales, it doesn’t matter how good your book is; it will be labeled as a dud. The best way to generate sales is through reviews and word of mouth. Reviews are very important because they tell potential buyers what they can expect from the book. Word of mouth is also important because it allows friends and family members to recommend your book to their friends and family members.

Self-publishing a book is not an easy undertaking. It takes time, effort, and money. However, with the right knowledge and strategies, anyone can do it! Just remember, you don’t have to do it all at once! Start small and build up from there.

At Dream That Big Publishing, we specialize in helping authors every step of the way and empowering them to overcome these seven common obstacles successfully while still keeping 100% of their profits! If you are seeking the guidance of our expert publishing team, you can click here to get started.

-Octoryia Robinson

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